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What you Need to Know About Eyelash Extension

Are you thinking of getting eyelash extension products? Maybe you saw one of your friends looking amazing with a lash extension and you want to apply one for yourself. Let start by defining what eyelash extension is. Eyelashes are meant to be put on the upper of lash lane and not below the eyelash lane. They are applied to your lashes individually or in clusters. In today’s fashion you can get different options of lash extensions either a full se or partial set. In this article we will look on things to consider when getting eyelash extensions and different types eyelash extensions products.

The shape of the eye matters a lot when deciding on the choice of eyelash to apply. You also need to put in mind the size of your eyes before choosing the extension. Are they small, large or medium? The color of your eyes also determines the nature of eyelash extension to apply. You should also choose an n eyelash extension that matches the length of your original eye lashes. It also depends on the outlook you want, a natural dramatic look. Having eyelash extensions that have negative effect on you is the last thing you want.

Every lash salon contains best eyelash extension supplies that fit on your budget and make you look good. There are two types of eyelash extensions man made and those from animal fur. Mink lash extension is one of them. If its first time you’re thinking of extension and you looking for a natural look then mink lash extension is your best choice. One benefit of mink lash is that it’s not heavy although it’s costly. This kind of lash only works, if you’re non allergic to fur.

There is a fox lash extension which is also from animal. If you’re looking for something new on the market fox lash is the latest. One advantage of fox lash is that it’s soft and reddish on natural state but you can get others with black tips or dyed ones. However, eyelash extensions made from animal fur require constant upkeep to maintain the curl. This usually goes to ladies who want to look beautiful everyday every hour. Going from animal fur to man-made lash extensions products can save you money. visit this homepage for more lash extension supplies.

The benefit of man-made eyelash extensions is that you don’t have to perm them to maintain the curls. One is silk lash extension They are not heavy and not from original silk. Another type is the synthetic lash extension. Even though they are a heavy they give you natural look. Another trending lash extension is the volume lash extension. They are also made from silk and are more costly to apply.

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