Things To Do When Your Identity Is Stolen: 7 Essential Steps To Follow
Notably, identity fraud has been on the rise and millions of people have been victims to it. As much as it is affecting so many people, the problem may remain unsolved for much longer. This means that you need to be alert and keen. Fortunately for you, you can learn about the steps you can take so that you can keep your identity as safe as possible even when stolen by the fraudsters. Being a victim of identity fraud can be a dangerous since you can even lose your finances. Lucky for you, there some tips that could assist you. This article guides you on the critical and important steps that anyone should take if ever their identity is stolen.
For one, ensure that you have notified companies about your stolen identity. It is always best if you can act as fast as possible. There is no way you will know about your identity being stolen and keep cool until you hear about a faudster activity. These fraudsters are normally very fast as they avoid getting caught. It is essential that you call each and every relevant company and ensure they are aware of your stolen identity. With the issue of account takeovers, it is easy for your card to get compromised. For instance, calling your card issuer will enable them to take some action that will keep the fraudsters away from getting more of your information.
As well, ensure that you file a report with the Federal Trade Commission. They deal with identity theft cases. They will not take on the criminal charges but will provide law enforcers with critical information that will help in tracking down the criminals. When you need to file a report you just log in to their website. They will provide you with a recovery plan. They also provide you with documentation to assist you in filling with the police and to be used as evidence. view here for more view here for more
Even more, file a report on the case with the police. You will have documentation that can be useful evidence and the police can as well assist. click here for more
Get the main credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your card. Institutions can therefore know that your identity may be compromised. click here
Go ahead and freeze your credit. No one can access your credit report if you do so. You only have to call the main bureaus and have them do it.. discover more
Always tighten the security of your accounts. Avoid making use of one password for all accounts as this can be easy to guess. click for more
You can also seek the guidance of an identity theft attorney.