5 Things Worth Of Addressing

By this time, you are likely to think, Americans will be tired – of, exactly the same – old, same – old, not enough genuine, meaningful leadership, from those, they elect, supposedly, to provide, and represent, their utmost interests! Too often, politicians, avoid, doing precisely what is right, needed, and necessary, but, rather, make use of empty promises, rhetoric, blaming and complaining, and, even – worse, denying! If, hopefully, being better – prepared, and capable, of handling the appropriate, sustainable, challenges, in the future, we should, be responsible voters, and, fully – examine, candidates, according to concrete plans and solutions/ actions, as opposed to, populist politics! With, that in your mind, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 things/ areas, where, we require, well – considered, proactive ideas, etc, as an alternative to denials!

  1. Dangers of Climate Change: We have a lot of, who, have a tendency to, have confidence in conspiracy theories, etc, especially, when considering, to Climate Change! They seem to get it, easier, and/ or, more convenient/ comforting, to deny, it exists, and is also a danger, inside a real, sustainable manner, than, to proactively, plan, to make changes, in how you live our way of life, etc! Nearly, every scientist and expert, states, not merely, is coffee, real, but, represents an obvious danger, to your future, and sustainability, for the following generation! We have already seen, some impacts, including the melting, for the planet’s poles, and, a tremendous increase, in primary, climatic conditions! However, when, a politician, denies the existence, and claims, taking suggested steps, can be too costly, etc, he or she is equating, not able to our planet, with immediate, economic ramifications, etc!
  2. Need to protect environment: In the past Presidential administration, we witnessed, for that first – time, in numerous decades, hard work, to reverse previous gains, in protecting the environment. After – all, what could, possibly, be important/ urgent/ relevant, than prioritizing, environmental protections, especially, inside the areas of beautiful, and water?
  3. Public health, and safety: The recent, horrific pandemic, should, clearly, demonstrate, how essential, paying keen focus to public health matters, should be! President Trump, seemed, to a lot of, for being, either, unprepared, ill – informed, in – denial, and/ or, believing, his approach, was better, for his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest! He minimized, denied, blamed and complained, but didn’t take, timely action, when indicated! Isn’t that similar, to how, this nation, has behaved, when it comes to gun safety, especially, once we consider, the volume of incidents, deaths, etc, inside past several years?
  4. Need for sane gun safety/ controls: We license automobiles, and drivers, but, do little, if this applies, to gun owners! Many politicians, always, avoid, addressing this challenge, by stating, Guns don’t kill, people do. However, the truth is, is it not, people, with guns, who, actually, kill! While, responsible people, ought to be allowed to own a gun, nobody needs an assault weapon, nor should, certain individuals, be looked at, fit, for being gun owners!
  5. Our elections/ political system: Either, the American political system, is broken, or, it deserves, thinking, regarding making people, feel, more confident, in their results, etc. In reality, we’ve got to rehaul, the machine, no individual, really should be able, to generate irresponsible accusations, without evidence, which we witnessed, in, and also since, a final election!

Wake up, America, and turn, proactive, addressing, genuine needs, and priorities, and avoiding those, who turn to, the politics of, blaming, complaining, denials, and lies! We must do, so, sooner, as an alternative to, later, or this nation, will probably be harmed, perhaps, forever!

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